Monday, 21 July 2014

There is no exercise better for the heart than going down and lifting people up. Shri Sai Charan Society ( Regd ) has a clear vision and all the members are working hard to bring their visionary thoughts into action. 

Educated nation is what we want to see in near future. We have a project to educate poor people who are keen to study hard but lack resources. In this context, society is giving books as a token of love from last 5 years to people who can't afford to buy on their own and have donated more than 300 book sets till date. Members of society also took out time from their schedule to give private tuitions to these young ones.

Siblings in the pic were given book sets of class 11th today evening as they needed this help the most. They have lost their father coz of cancer and are now living with their maternal uncle. He too is not financially very sound to bear all the expenses of schooling and so is the timely help given by society to ensure that they continue their education.

Small step can change life of someone. And here we are on the way to bring smiles on the faces of those who have not smiled from ages.

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)

Of all the charities, giving food is the best one. We are much perturbed when we get no food at noon. After knowing this, he who gives food to the poor and hungry is the best donor says SATCHARITA....

We at Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd) try to follow teachings and preachings of Sai Baba who is God incarnate. He blessed and taught lessons of humanity to every one around when he was in body and is still giving guidance and unstinted support after leaving earthly body. Raw food materials for one month were provided post Sai Aas Ek Pryaas to maintain continuity of donations. After all we are known for this only. Lady in the picture is the only member of the family who has a responsibility to feed her three kids as her partner met his end in past. Keeping that in mind, sewing machine was also given to her with a thought in mind. She happily agreed to use that as a mode to earn her living. We sincerely thank baba ji for giving us strength of working in the field of humanity as we truly believe that to bring a change, one has to start from scratch and if one has brought smile on one face..that feeling is worth.

We request everyone to putI their foot forward in working for the cause as every single step can bring change. Sai bless.

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)

Friday, 18 July 2014

We can give our lives to bring smile on these little innocent faces. These small kids of rahata mook school are a part of family now. We all make it a point to visit the school and meet these champions whenever we get chance to be in the blessed land, Shirdi.

We spent good time with them in our recent visit to this place. Experience was undoubtedly worth cherishing. Played cricket, disc game and many such games with them and for a while forgot all tensions of our day to day life. Though they can't speak words of love but they can communicate through their eyes. Though they cant hear us saying that we love them but their smile made us realise that they know our love for them. They are a wonderful family. We all wish healthy life for them and pray to almighty to give us ample opportunities to see them often.

We have promised to give night wears for all kids and very soon we will surely do the same. Hoping to have a great association with school authorities so that we can be in touch with these kids.
Love them, live with them.

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)

Sunday, 13 July 2014

बाबा कहते है -- मेरे बच्चो को मेरे पासआने के लिए किसी निमत्रण की जरूरत नहीं है मैतो तुम्हारे लिए बाहें फैला कर बैठा हूँ, लेकिन तुमही दुनियादारी मै फसे हुए हो और फिर कहतेहो कि बाबा का जब बुलावा आएगा तो जायेंगे...!!

Regards :
Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)