Saturday, 30 November 2013

We had a dream and a mission, mission had a vision to work together with all devotees for a cause in unison. Unique and wonderful incarnation Saiji gave us the inspiration to work hard by keeping his hand on our heads.  From there the journey started from two to few and here we are in front of you as Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd.) On account of the accumulation of merits of past births, we got a chance to serve mankind. Believing in the ideology of Deva Sai which says that there are immense possibilities for those who dare to dream and turn these dreams into reality, we started the journey of donations on 20th day of September in 2009. We knew that dream will never become a reality through magic, it will take sweat, determination and hard work. Still we moved on with full zeal and enthusiasm as we had deva Sai with us.
Those who have everything given to them become lazy and insensitive to the real values of life but those who don’t have really suffer. We can not completely change the scenario of the needies but we all can lend a helping hand and try to bring smiles on the faces of those who are actually in need. In these 4 years, we served handicapped people with wheelchairs, widows with sewing machines, kids with book sets  and poor people with food materials. Tried to impart education to kids of slum areas who wanted to learn but had no resources and hence failed to do so. In this regard, society  hired teachers which were patient to deal with kids and who provided quality education to build a nation. We have achieved little and we are still working hard to achieve milestones. Health Camp was also organised by the members as we believe that Health is out of those few things which money can’t buy. If wealth is lost, it can be regained by putting all the efforts but if health is lost, it can not be regained easily. Vaccinations were  arranged for the visually impaired people of Blind School of Karala. Association of Society with this blind school is as old as society as kick start to donations was started 4 years back with this place only. To build a roof top of this particular place, construction material was also provided by Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd.) It gives a sense of satisafaction when we look back and realise that we were of some use to the mankind.
We have taken a pledge to bring smiles on the faces of as many as we can and we are trying hard to accomplish this. Urged baba to provide us with the manpower as we were very few and we were unable to achieve what we are aiming for and it goes without saying that baba fulfilled this wish. Many a times things went wrong, Saiji made us strong. When nothing seemed alright, he showered a ray of light. Now we are confident enough that we can succeed in all the endeavours which we will take in future. We are reaching out to all Sai devotees so that they come and contribute to a cause. With his grace only we have grown in numbers and are climbing the steps of success. Devotees from all the areas have joined hands to help us be it in India or overseas. We are really thankful to all those and look forward to extend our arms to further more areas of donation. Together we can make a difference and bring smiles on the faces of those who have not smiled from ages.

Whatever we have done in past happened due to Baba’s blessings.
Whatever we are doing is Baba’s wish
His wish is our command, so whatveer we will do in future will be his dream which we will fulfill.
Karne waale Sai, Karaane waale Sai
Bow to Shri Sai. May Baba bless all.

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd.)

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