Sunday, 10 May 2015

Implement Baba’s teachings, bring them in action and then see there is no darkness in front.

Trying hard to implement what Lord Sai has taught us through Satcharitra.  Offering of food requires no consideration he said and no one should be returned empty handed. Blessed are we to get his countless blessings and meaningful teachings through his holy book.

Yes we proudly say, we learned and implemented the same. On 28th Day of February in 2015 under the banner Sai ka dia Sai ko arpan, Sai Samarpan,  charities took place at a grander scale. Lady whose husband is not employed was given food materials on this day and was helped in a way.

Purpose of making you aware is not to show what has been done but its in a way is a sincere request to you to join such causes as together we can make a difference to people at large.

Sai Aas Ek Pryaas����

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