Sunday, 7 December 2014

Every single day we get up with new thoughts and ideas in mind. Dreamt of doing something for girls at Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd) last year but was not able to make it that time. We indeed thank team of Sai Sursangam Parivar for letting us live our dream in reality. Vishal Sai Bhajan Sandhya was organized by them on 30.11.2014 where 5 couples tied knots of love and started their new life. Yes, marriages of 5 pairs took place that particular day. Kanyadan is the most highly valued Hindu wedding ritual. By Baba’s grace, one Kanyadan was by Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd.). Grandparents of one member did Kanyadan and presented items of use to bride and the groom. Bed, Bed sheets, Almirah and other items of need were given on the day for 1 pair. We really appreciate the efforts of Sai Samarpan Trust who gave Juicer, Mixer & Grinder for all 5 of them. The day was indeed blessed as Baba Sai arranged everything for them and gave his blessings by being a part there. Sai Sandhya stage gave life to many families who never in their dream thought of their marriages being arranged in a smooth way. It was a great view to see Groom coming with Band and Dhol in full happy mood. He got good welcome from girls side which increased the beauty of the occasion. Such type of things should be encouraged and everyone should share their platform for something good.
Sai Ram.

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)

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