Sunday, 8 November 2015

शिर्डी मेरा पंढरपुर, शिर्डी पूज्य समान !
यहीं विराजे विट्ठल मेरे, सांवरे घनश्याम !!
यही से बहती गंगा यमुना, ये ही तीर्थ महान !
प्रणाम मेरा स्वीकार करो साईं नाथ भगवान !!
Once, a devotee (Das Ganu) thought that he should go to Prayag for a bath, and came to SAI to get His permission for doing so. SAI replied to him - "It is not necessary to go so long. Our Prayag is here, believe me." Then wonder of wonders! When Das Ganu placed his head on Baba’s Feet, out came or flowed streams, of RIVER Ganga - Yamuna water, from both the toes of Baba. Seeing this miracle, Das Ganu was overwhelmed with feelings of love and adoration and was full of tears. Inwardly, he felt inspired, and his speech burst forth into a song in praise of Baba and His Leelas.

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