Sunday, 24 August 2014

Give food to the hungry, water to the thirsty and then God will be pleased. Satcharitra says that Saiji considered charity of food as the most important part. As per him, one might have to think while donating other things but donation of food does not actually require any thought. Think of the situation when you are hungry and get no food. Understand the pain of sufferer and donate generously to reap a rich harvest in future.

Blessed and fortunate are those who get chance to worship lord incarnate Saiji. And even more blessed are those who are lucky enough to follow teachings and preachings of Baba Sai. We in all the ways take ourselves as special as we have boon bestowing hand of Shirdi Sai as so only we are able to bring his teachings into action.

Lady who is working as a maid in Rohini was given raw food materials for a month to maintain the continuity of donations and to bring the smile on the face of the family members. We might take this as a small help but to someone in need, its very meaningful.

Try and do these small deeds. We are sure, your mind will be at rest. Sai bless.

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)

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