Sunday, 24 August 2014

Smaller steps we take with bigger dreams in mind. The more we speak before you, the more we have in us to unwind. 

Everyday various thoughts come in my mind which could be of help in serving the nation and its people. Discussions, plannings help us in bringing our visionary thoughts in action. Very soon we will have charity programme in Gungan e Sai wherein we will be donating stationery items and travel bags to inmates of Prerna Niketan Sangh who are phyically challenged. Next charity is lined up for november where team members have planned to donate 51 blankets as a token of love to needies. Along with that raw food materials for a month will also be provided by the society which is running smoothly with the blessings of Sainath maharaj.

Saiji of Shirdi will surely be witnessing the Sandhya Sai lagan ho gaye magan and will bless us in all the ways. We seek his blessings all the time and pray in front of him to keep his boon bestowing hand on us always.

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)

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