Sunday, 24 August 2014

You made us walk when we were small,
Taught us little things which never made us fall.
You always been the helping hand when everything went wrong,
Kept your hand on us and made us strong. 
Our loving elders, now its our time to return the same love and care,
We promise we will never break your trust and will always be there.

Sai Charan team had a great start of the day of Janmashtmi. After Prerna Niketan Sangh, we were all set to leave for the second destination of the day i.e. Sai Vridhashram. Reached there around 4.30 in the evening and spent good two hours there with the inmates of old age home. It was indeed a new experience for many of us and has given fond memories to cherish. But it has an other side too. We all were dumbfounded to hear the sad stories of our elders and were in deep pain. How badly one of them was tortured in an office and was left alone helpless. Parents too didn't care a bit and sent her out in an old age home. Though being a young girl of 26 only, she looked like as if she was in late 40's. She was completely bed ridden. May baba bless the care taker of the place who is taking all good care of her and making her strong to live and fight for her right.

Parents who give birth and feed their kids till the time they are independent are chucked out from the houses and are completely neglected. It was really disappointing to hear the story of elderly who was like a father figure to us. How he was thrown out from his own home and how they made fool of the management of vridhashram by giving the wrong address and contact details.

Do we really think that celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day for showing people is of use when we send our own parents to a place which is not meant for them. Words of one of the inmate are still in mind. How helpless was she when she said beta never be dependent on others as who are dependent and can not earn get this place to live. A matter of shame for all of us.

We, members of Shri Sai Charan Society ( Regd ) seek your help with folded hands to come forward and change the scenario. Educate people in a way you can. Let them know the importance of parents. They are the one to be worshipped and not the ones to be thrown out.
We ourselves have taken an oath there that we will give our best attempt to change their life. With tears in our eyes we distributed sweets and other eatables which we brought for them, donated food materials as a token of love like oil, spices and condiments as asked by them and left the place with heavy hearts.

May Sai give all of them strength to overcome the grief and live a happy life. Jai Sai Krishna:)

Shri Sai Charan Society (Regd)

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